Kids Say The Best Things!

| May 2, 2019

Back in the day – way back – 1960s back – Art Linkletter had a radio show called House Party which featured a segment called Kids Say The Darndest Things. The premise of the segment was that Art would ask a question of a child (around the age of 3 to 8) in order to get into their heart and mind a little bit.  The children would usually respond in a way that was often cute, but rarely poignant.

In First Grade this week, we got a glimpse into the hearts and minds of some our young students.  Teacher, Julia Faunce, picks up the story.

“This week, the First Graders have been learning about adjectives.  We’ve been playing a game where I give them a noun and they give me adjectives to describe that noun.  Today, I asked them to describe TC Christian and here’s how they answered:

and, perhaps most importantly,

Cue the tears.”

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