What do you teach at Traverse City Christian School?
I teach MS Social Studies and Bible
What do you love about TC Christian?
I love the authenticity of the people at TCCS. I experienced their love and devotion to God as a student, as a colleague and as a parent. Being able to work in an environment where I am continually lifted up and encouraged to love God and others is such an incredible blessing.
Why do you like teaching at TC Christian? What motivated you to become a teacher at TC Christian?
I love the relationship aspect of my job. I get to walk with my students and be a part of the spiritual journey on which God has them. That is what God used to motivate me to become a teacher. I transferred into TCCS as a 15 year old sophomore who was struggling from bullying and found love, discipleship, encouragement, empowerment to live my life for Jesus. The teachers I had, including a few who still teach here, inspired me to be a teacher for kids who needed to see and feel God’s love.
How do you incorporate a Christian Worldview in your lessons at TCCS?
It is my belief that everything in life is sacred under God. God created everything and it all has been created to bring Him glory. The use and development of our minds are no different.
From our relationships with family and friends, to school, to the use of our time and resources, we are created to live our lives loving God and loving others. Bible and History classes are probably the easiest to incorporate the Christian Worldview.
History is simply a story of mankind and its struggle in finding meaning and purpose in this world. As we study the past, we can easily see the impact of sinful nature on civilizations across the globe. We can also see the hand of God first through the Israelites and then through Jesus and Christianity revealing Himself to us. Everything in my History and Bible classes are the study of God’s story with humanity.
What is a unique experience, talent or interest that you bring to your role to help shape the experience of students and their families?
A unique experience that I have is that I’ve experienced walking through the halls of TCCS. I went through some tough times in middle/high school getting picked on and seeing the dark side of bullying before walking through the doors at TCCS. I have been the new kid at different schools and have seen how amazing it can be when you are lovingly embraced as well as how difficult it can be when you’re not. That’s one of my goals as a teacher/counselor/admissions director is that every family and every student will experience the loving embrace of the Authentic Biblical Community that is TCCS.
What sets TC Christian students apart from students in other schools?
One of the things that impresses me about TCCS students is their understanding of the Biblical Worldview. One of my teaching mottos is, “Know what you believe and why as well as what you don’t believe and why.” The students that spend significant time inside these walls are given the tools not only to stand firm in their faith, but also to boldly proclaim the good news of the Gospel for Jesus Christ.
A TC Christian tagline is “Teaching Students Purpose”. How do you accomplish this in your role at TCCS?
By keeping the main thing, the main thing. We were created to reflect the image of God and to bring Him glory. We teach students to know God and to make Him known. We help them see the meaning of life and God’s purpose for their lives individually. Every student has different skill sets and passions that God has given them. I do my best to help students figure those out and develop them to transform the world for Christ.
What do you want students to gain from having known you?
I hope that they know how much God and I love them. I hope they see me as a man who is a sinner, living everyday dependent on God’s grace and mercy and who is learning to love God and others better. I hope that they are encouraged through their studies in Bible and History to see the truth of scripture and place their faith in God alone to lead their lives.
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