‘Bee’ A Creation Keeper

| May 2, 2019

The TC Christian 7th graders, under the leadership of Erica Boven, are finishing up their ecosystem unit. As they worked through the unit, they discovered that a current problem in our local ecosystem involves the decline of bees and pollinators. They’ve done a lot of research and are very excited to DO SOMETHING about it 😉

Therefore, as Creation Keepers (one of TC Christian’s core ‘Biblical Throughlines’), they’ve developed several things they can do to help.  These include:

  • Educate the students about the problem, the importance of it, and how to help. Some of their ideas include:
    • Developing a skit to present to the Elementary school
    • Write and present segments for the in-school Sabre News, the 3-Minute Thursday newsletter, and TC Christian’s Facebook and Instagram programs
    • Talk with the community via local media (e.g. Fuel-FM, WTCM, TV networks)
    • Keynote a MS/HS chapel
    • Design and distribute posters around the building
  • Plant a “Bee Garden” to help provide nutrition for bees
  • Build a “Bee House” with a Bee Bath to provide safe resting places for bees as they travel pollinating.

These are great ideas for not just simply raising awareness about a problem, but for actually doing something about it.  We’re excited to see you develop and execute the plan.  Thanks for your love of God’s Creation.

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