Joy and Troy Elenbaas
When did you start with Double Edge and what’s your role there?
I started at the Edge a few years ago, working in the summer (a time when the store gets pretty busy and I’m on break from working in the school system). I run the register, stock items on racks/shelves, or do whatever is needed! It’s been a blessing to have a small job in the summer that allows me to earn a little money but still enjoy lots of time with my family!
I definitely love the service to our community. I love the great deals and the friendly faces who seek them out. I love being able to bring things in from home I may not need any more… .then bring different stuff home! Ha!
I really enjoy the interaction with lots of different people from many different walks of life. I love that the store directly benefits TC Christian school, which supports my own two girls! And, of course, the staff here is fun and encouraging – that makes work a pleasure.
A few years ago, a good friend of mine was managing the store and asked if I’d like to work some summer hours. I said ‘Yes!’ I’ve kept it up each summer since then and I truly enjoy and am thankful for it.
I pray I am a blessing to those I come in contact with. I am certainly blessed by Double Edge and I’d like to give that back to our customers and my co-workers.
I work in the main office of a public high school where I serve many parents and students each day. I know I am called to share some joy – the joy of Christ! – in that office, which I try to do here, too. The tasks in each job are similar – customer service, money handling, organizational skills – the jobs really do complement each other. God knows what he is doing in our lives, down to the details, like part-time jobs!
I know we bless customers each day in offering quality items at great prices! I’ve seen so many people exclaim how they were looking for ‘that exact thing!’ and are so happy that they’ve found just what they need. Again, God in the details.
Joy and her girls, (l to r) Hannah and Naomi
Without a doubt, the spiritual covering over Double Edge sets us apart. Not only do customers enjoy shopping and finding treasures, they get to wander around under a cover of blessing — whether they know it or not! 🙂
I want to point my life back to Christ in all that I do, from being a wife, mother, daughter, friend, employee – I want the hope and joy sustained by the grace of God to shine through.
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