Meet Melissa (Radtke) Wheat: A Sabre Through And Through

| July 20, 2018

She’s a TC Christian Alumnus, a TC Christian Parent, and a TC Christian Teacher, married to a TC Christian Coach.  Meet Melissa (Radtke) Wheat, a Sabre through and through.

What do you teach at TC Christian?

I teach 7th and 8th grade Social Studies

What do you love about TC Christian?

I love that God is first in the school and academics remain important. I also love the combined elementary, middle, and high schools. As a parent of elementary kids, I love seeing the older kids love on and mentor the younger ones on a daily basis.

What motivated you to become a teacher at TC Christian?

As the daughter of a teacher, I never in a million years thought I would teach. Trained as a lawyer and practicing as a County Mediator, teaching at TC Christian was a God-given opportunity that was completely unexpected. I love being able to unapologetically share my faith and journey with God.

How do you incorporate a Christian Worldview in your lessons at TCCS?

Having the students understand how a Christian Worldview affected history and impacts society today is extremely important. I help my students see the difference Christianity makes when a society lives by it and how important it is for them to understand and never lose sight of their Christian values and beliefs, and to stand up for them in a world that is turning against them. I also like to quote from and discuss historical figures who lived by a Christian Worldview and impacted the world around them –examples to live by.

What is a unique experience, talent or interest that you bring to your role to help shape the experience of students and their families?

I graduated from TC Christian in 2000 and my Mom has taught here for 20+ years. I also have three children enrolled. I have experienced the school from all directions and can relate to the parents and students. As a trained lawyer, I am able to bring life experiences to the classroom especially as it pertains to social studies.

How have you seen God at work at TC Christian? (e.g. colleague, family, or student testimony)?

I have seen God at work in the lives of students and families at TCCS. The faculty at TC Christian shows God’s love on a daily basis. Every teacher my kids have had at TC Christian has been amazing. They have met my kids where they are at, academically and spiritually, and loved them and shown God’s love to them on a daily basis. As a student, I was able to experience God’s love through my teachers, two of whom are still here: Tom Broderick and my mom, Judy Radtke. While I may be a little biased, these two minister to their students daily. They love their students and have a great desire to develop students’ faith. I am so blessed to call these teachers my colleagues and to learn from, and be encouraged by, their Godly examples.

What sets TC Christian students apart from students in other schools?

There are really special kids at TC Christian who love each other and love God. I see examples of Christ-like love on a daily basis–reaching out to the younger students, supporting each other in bad times, and sharing their struggles and triumphs with each other. The opportunity the MS/HS students have to befriend elementary students and love on them, encourage them, and witness to them makes TC Christian very special.

A TC Christian tagline is “Teaching Students Purpose”.  How do you accomplish this in your role at TCCS?

I teach in a way that is relatable and real. I want them to see that even in struggles, God has used many different people around us to shape our world. I want them to see God’s Hand in history and society today.

What do you want students to gain from having known you?

Ultimately, I would like for my students to gain as great of a love for history and government as I have. Realistically, I want to make sure my students know how important it is to understand history and what is going on in the world. Soon they will be voting and making decisions for our Nation. I want my students to be informed, Godly voters who stand for their Christian beliefs and change this country for the better. Beyond that, I want my students to see God through me. I want them to be encouraged in knowing that God can and will use them. I want them to know that God can take them on an unexpected journey, but it is always for their benefit and to honor Him.

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